
Parallax component used move property from one value to another, based on the scrolled distance.


Parallax is a render-less component, which accepts from and to props, and provide you with the current state using parallax scoped-slot.

  <parallax :from="{ x: 0 }" :to="{ x: 300 }">
      slot-scope="{ parallax }"
      :style="`transform: translateX(${parallax.x}px)`"

The element will have the starting value, when its top enters the view-port, the value will accelerate when view-port scrolls, and will reach its ending value when the element leaves the view-port.

  <parallax :from="{ x: 0 }" :to="{ x: 300 }">
      slot-scope="{ parallax }"
      :style="`transform: translateX(${parallax.x}px)`"

You can set ratio of view-port, that the element should travel to reach its ending value, using viewportRatio prop.

<parallax :from="{ x: 0 }" :to="{ x: 300 }" :viewportRatio="0.5">
    slot-scope="{ parallax }"
    :style="`transform: translateX(${parallax.x}px)`"
  >{{ parallax.x }}</div>

In the previous example, the element reached its ending value, when the element bottom arrives to the half of the view-port. If you want to reach the ending value when element top edge reached the half of the view-port, you can set useElHeight prop to be false.

<parallax :from="{ x: 0 }" :to="{ x: 300 }" :viewportRatio="0.5" :useElHeight="false">
    slot-scope="{ parallax }"
    :style="`transform: translateX(${parallax.x}px)`"


Prop Default Description
from {} start values
to {} end values
viewportRatio '1' ratio of the view-port, where the element should reach the end value
useElHeight true flag to indicated, whether using element's height in calculations or not