
vue-gql handles subscriptions with the Subscription component in the same way as the Query component.

To add support for subscriptions you need to pass a subscriptionForwarder function to the createClient function, which in turn will call your subscription client. The subscriptionForwarder expects an object that follows the observable spec to be returned.

The following example uses apollo-server with the subscriptions-transport-ws package:

import { createClient } from 'vue-gql';
import { SubscriptionClient } from 'subscriptions-transport-ws';

const subscriptionClient = new SubscriptionClient('ws://localhost:4001/graphql', {});

const client = createClient({
  url: 'http://localhost:4000/graphql',
  subscriptionForwarder: op => subscriptionClient.request(op)

Once you've setup the subscriptionForwarder function, you can now use the Subscription component in the same way as the Query component.

The Subscription component exposes data, error on the slot props.





  <Subscription :query="newMessages" v-slot="{ data }">
    <span>{{ data }}</span>

import { Subscription } from 'vue-gql';

export default {
  components: {
  data: () => ({
    newMessages: `
      subscription NewMessages {
        newMessages {

The data prop will be updated whenever a new value is received from the subscription.

Using Subscriptions

Having a subscription component printing the data probably isn't that useful, for example in a chat app you would append new messages to the old ones to do that you need refactor your code to do the following:

  • Have the Subscription component pass the data to a child component Chatbox.
  • The Chatbox component would watch the data received and append them to existing messages.

Here is a minimal example:


    <p v-for="message in messages">{{ message }}</p>

export default {
  props: ['newMessage'],
  data: () => ({
    messages: []
  watch: {
    newMessage({ newMessages }) {
      // append the new message to our messages.

And in the parent component:

  <Subscription :query="newMessages" v-slot="{ data }">
    <Chatbox :newMessage="data" />

import { Subscription } from 'vue-gql';
import Chatbox from '@/components/Chatbox';

export default {
  components: {
  data: () => ({
    newMessages: `
      subscription NewMessages {
        newMessages {